Liz McClendon Hull started as a copywriter/social media (hey, that was the “official title” in the beginning–she was but a noun-less wanderer) at Customer Magnetism, an Internet marketing agency in Virginia Beach, right after graduating with her masters from Virginia Tech in 2009.
Since then—even though she’s generally given up wearing hats IRL—she’s worn quite a few hats as part of the CM team over the past few years, where her title eventually grew into the proper noun Social Media Director. From writing blogs, ad copy, and email newsletters, to developing PPC campaigns for clients, implementing Effie award-winning social ad campaigns, filming and editing video, all while building a social media department from scratch, Liz loves to have the opportunity to use her imagination on a daily basis in any way she can. Sometimes that means captioning a photo for a brand like a middle-aged construction worker might. Sometimes that means developing a contest mini-site around a sausage wreath. Sometimes that means contributing to AltDaily outside of work or working on becoming a best-selling author one page at a time.
If it ever comes up, her favorite topics of conversation are the gradual expansion of the universe, time travel, and her seriously adorable, albeit eccentric kitten, Naaks.